This is fun, but sometimes can be frustrating especially if you’re new.
You can focus on the wrong things when driving traffic and get distracted from the main goals. Don’t get caught up in how many followers or visits you have. Yes, you should keep track of it, but don’t get too high on the good days and don’t beat yourself up on the slow days.
Just keep producing content every day.
One of the main reasons why it’s so easy for me to drive traffic now and get people signed up for my newsletter is because I have put in many years of work.
Since social media began, I have been expanding my network and putting work getting to know my audience and building a culture with them.
Years of interacting with my audience and building trust. I have been around since social media started, and a lot of the people I’m friends with, have also been my friends since social media started.
Most importantly, however, I have been producing original content since I began on social media. A lot of people don’t grasp that there are many ways to create content, it doesn’t always have to be a video. A simple “Good Morning” tweet can be considered content too.
I try to be genuine in my content.
That’s a huge reason for why my content has really taken off lately. I’m being genuine in every piece of content I put out. I’ve learned that being genuine is pretty important in this business.
Transparent, they call it. Be transparent. I just say you gotta be you. I know what Grant Cardone, Taj Lopez, and Gary Vaynerchuk look like and a lot of people want to do what THEY are doing. The problem with that is that they are not you. You have to do you.
Finding my voice was a huge breakthrough
But finding my voice was not easy and I haven’t really yet “mastered” my voice, I’m just barely learning how to use it.
My voice seems to be a combination of written word and podcast. I really, really enjoy doing video too, but there’s a different dynamic with podcast and I think I like that.
With video, you have to be real exaggerated with your gestures and facial expressions to help give context to your piece. Podcasts are literally just a phone conversation or just a in person conversation. It’s more relaxed. Somme people tend to stiffen up on camera.
Speaking of podcast.
Last week I put out probably the best podcast episode I’ve ever done. Yea, I know I say that about every episode I put out, but that’s because I believe you’re only as good as your last move. So every time I try to make it my best one. But this time there is something more than just me… I have a special guest.
94’sfinest dropped by the show to talk about music, hip hop, growing up, marketing, and we even mention Matt M. (we love you, bro! Lol)
I get super into this episode too, and I honestly cannot express how thankful I am to be able to kick it and talk shit w my favorite artists. This is by far one of my favorite projects I’ve ever done in my life, this podcast.
In conclusion.
Culture… that’s what I think is the most determining factor in how a person or business drives traffic. It comes down to the culture they build with their audience. The relationships and bonds between you and your audience
Click the image below to listen to my podcast:
Click here to view an archive of these emails.
More News
300 visitors so far on my website
My daughter made the Snack Challenge on youtube My family is opening a taco truck in McAllen, TX. More details coming soon.
.COM special during May 2020 – $11.98/yr
I was featured in a blog from Norway.
My podcast reached 400 plays.
My ReverbNation profile is ranked #1 for Rap music in Edinburg, TX
I have reached 140 subscribers to my newsletter.
Featured Artist Kale Gawd
Damn… where do I even begin? This cat is so… different it’s really hard to ignore him. Especially since 90% of his photos is him posing w… KALE!
Yes, Kale… and he’s a lot more than just a rapper with an odd brand.
See, I came across one of his ads on facebook. And it was a post w long text and then just a cartoon clip of a kid getting on a school bus (more on that later). I read the text and then the clip made sense.
I visited his website and oh, my lord, this is probably one of the best websites I’ve ever seen in my entire career. It’s so well put together and the entire thing from inside and out complies with his theme entirely. Every graph, txt, line, picture… the whole thing is customized, and it looks really good.
Then he followed me on instagram, and I thought, “oh, cool, this is different”… because most of the time, artists don’t follow me first, I have to find them. There’s a few, but not many.
And then he sent me a personalized video reaching out to me and talking about things in my content, and he mentions the school bus clip (see, more on that), so i instantly know EXACTLY who he is… so not only is this guy putting out fire content, he is also super, duper, mega engaged in his audience… like, supreme engagement.
I visited his website again to listen more carefully, and I was hooked instantly. I found my new favorite artist. I can’t really explain it. It probably sounds crazy, everything I’m telling you (story of my life lol). You just have to visit his website and take the experience in for yourself.
Yes, the experience. This dude isn’t just some rap song with a cartoon clip… he has an etire image based on growing with Kale. He’s spitting so much knowledge and wisdom, I’m feeling kind of like a kung fu student after going through his content, no cap.
Please, please, please… if you find value in my content or know someone who will, share my newsletter with them. Forward them this email.
I’m gonna leave you with the following quote:
“It’s Not Whether You Get Knocked Down, It’s Whether You Get Up.”
– Vince Lombardi
Thank you so much, keep rocking!