Happy WINSday! Hope this email finds you well.
I am super stoked to announce the launching of my new website, DeafToneDigital.com, and new online web host and domain store!
I’m going to keep this email really short because I want you to go check out my website, and if possible, buy yourself a domain name while you are there. I believe a website should be the starting point of your digital marketing. Yes, there are many, many free options out there, and you are more than welcome to use those just like I did for the past month, but there are certain things free sites can’t do. Plus, your own website is great for branding if you are creating good domain names.
The second step I recommend is email marketing, and yes, you can also get that at my store too.
I’m also going to be transferring all my blog posts from the free wix site over to the new website so they’re all easy to access in the same site if you ever want to read them again for reference, but I’m keeping the old website up just in case someone clicks the old links I have sent out.
Click the image below to check out my new website:

Featured Artist: One Man Click
This week’s featured artist is a little bit different. He says he is primarily a youtube artist who dabbles in music. His music is really good too, but his youtube channel is absolutely popping! What I like the most, though, is his name because it’s such an awesome pun! His social media, I believe, is his real hustle, and it makes his name One Man CLICK that much more awesome. His name alone is what caught my attention and got me consuming his content to begin with. So major kudos on the name, and super-mega, major kudos on the social media hustle.
Check out his Spotify link below, and make sure to also check out his YouTube channel here.

Please, please, please… if you find value in my content or know someone who will, share my newsletter with them. Forward them this email.
I’m gonna leave you with the following quote:
“Write it. Shoot it. Publish it. Crochet it, sauté it, whatever. MAKE.”
– Joss Whedon
Thank you so much, keep rocking!